Neighbourhood Church Beckenham

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Thank-you God for Women

It’s International Women’s Day today.

So in that spirit….

Today, I am thankful for Mary…who allowed her world to be shaken as she obediently carried the Saviour of the world.

Today, I am thankful for Ruth…who crossed borders and cultures, served her aging mother-in-law, and became part of the line that gave birth to Jesus.

Today, I am thankful for Deborah, who God chose to lead his people (Judges 4-5).

Today, I am thankful for the Egyptian midwives, Shiphrah and Puah, who fearlessly opposed evil, and through whom God worked to deliver His people. (Exodus 1:15-21)

Today, I am thankful for Hannah, who models turning to God in midst of despair. (1 Samuel 1)

Today, I am thankful for Anna (Luke 2) who faithfully prayed for Jesus’ arrival for the best part of 70 years.

Today, I am thankful for Rahab who courageously played a part in God’s plan. (Joshua 2-6)

Today, I am thankful for Esther, who knew that she had been placed in her position for “a time such as this”.

Today, I am thankful for Joanna, Susanna and others who so believed in Jesus the Messiah that they supported him out of their own means (Luke 8:3).

Today, I am thankful for the woman who unashamedly demonstrates worship of Jesus, risking ridicule and shame. (Mark 14).

Today, I am thankful for Mary Magdalene, the first witness, the first evangelist of the resurrected Jesus. (John 20)

Today, I am thankful for Tabitha who, because of Jesus her Messiah, humbly and generously served the poor (Acts 9:36ff).

Today, I am thankful for Lydia, whose hospitality helped the church get established in Philippi (Acts 16:14-15, 40).

Today, I am thankful for Priscilla, who along with her husband Aquila, led a house church in Ephesus. (1 Cor. 16)

Today, I am thankful for Tryphena, Tryphosa and Persis who all worked hard for the Lord (Romans 16:12)

Today I am thankful for these, and for all the other woman of Scripture, whether named or not, who demonstrate lives of faith in, and service to, God. Women through whom God worked to change the course of history. Women through whom God worked to minister his love and grace and truth…to change lives…to establish his church.

Today, I am thankful for women of God through the ages, who have gone to far-flung places to preach Jesus, who have established hospitals and orphanages to minister to the "least of these"; who have set up ministries that impact lives locally and internationally; who have given their lives for refusing to recant the name of Jesus; and who have used whatever their God-given gifts are to shape culture, and in so doing, honour Him.

Today, I am thankful for women, who regardless of culture or race or creed, have through their ability, and intelligence, and courage, and vision, and fearlessness, and creativity, and hard work have sought to make the world a better place.