When God interrupts...

He had no idea what the day held.

He knew it was the turn of his division of priests to serve at the temple in Jerusalem.

For 2 weeks every year that’s what he did.

So I guess that day, he woke, ate something, and pulled on his priestly robes.

Old Zechariah had spent his life serving this way – 50 weeks in his local synagogue, and 2 weeks at the temple in Jerusalem. Year after year. That was the pattern. He loved God, and was faithfully devoted to his priestly duties.

But this day…

…oh, this day was going to be special.

He just had no idea.

Priests had all sorts of duties to perform at the temple: they made the sacrifices; they splattered the blood; they shared out the food; they cleaned the dishes; they lit candles. And a whole lot more.

But there was one task which was regarded as the pinnacle of a priest’s life of service – the offering of the evening incense. They would go into the temple while all the other priests remained outside. And they would offer the incense.

For this, priests were chosen by lot.

And once your name had been chosen, it couldn’t be selected again.

This really was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

And this day, Zechariah’s name was chosen.

I don’t know if you know how the story continues…

…but it was while Zechariah was in the temple, performing his duties, that an angel appeared to him and announced that his old and childless wife, Elizabeth, would have a son and that they were to name him John. And that their child, John, would grow and become not only a prophet, but would prepare people for the coming of the Messiah – that God would use John to turn people’s hearts back to God in readiness for God’s promised King.

If you want to find out what happens, you can read it in Luke 1.

But as I was pondering this passage this morning, this is what occurred to me.

We never know how a day is going to pan out.

We never know the moments…the encounters…the conversations…the opportunities…that God has for us.

We never know how and when and where God might speak or work or act.

In fact, the things that happen, the opportunities that present themselves….that, if we’re being honest, we just put down to normal life…could they be God-ordained moments?

Each day is loaded with divine potential.

Where our ordinary intersects with His extraordinary.

Where, I think, God longs for us to see that He has placed us in the right places amongst the right people at the right time.

As we go about our ordinary lives, and our ordinary duties and responsibilities, having ordinary conversations with other ordinary people…God wants us to be alert and open to the possibility that maybe…just maybe…He wants to speak to us…to meet with us…to work through us.

However God has wired you and shaped you. Wherever God has placed you. Whatever task God has given you to do. Whoever God has placed you in and amongst…look for God there….listen for God there.

May you see the divine potential in your ordinary day.


Simon Lang